
Beverly MA Police Set Up One Way Walkways, Fines For Noncompliance
What a fucking disgrace. We used to be a free people, right? 'It's for your own good' has been the justification for this sort of petty thug jackbook behavior for how many decades now? I am nearing the end of my fuse with this lockdown bullshit...
[Daily Mail UK, via Gateway Pundit] - Police in Beverly, Massachusetts set up a one-way sidewalk so residents can practice ’social distancing’ and threatened to fine anyone walking in the wrong direction.

Police in Beverly, in the north of the city, have mandated that locals who are walking in opposite directions along bustling Lothrop Street must now use separate sidewalks so that they are not brushing up against one another.

Pedestrians must now walk against traffic and failure to comply with the new directive could result in a $100 fine.

It comes as the state of Massachusetts struggles to slow the spread of COVID-19, with at least 16,790 confirmed cases. Beverly is located in Essex County, which has at least 2,100 cases.
Nice misinformation there - conflating the number of Chink Virus cases for a county whose population (790,638 as of 2018) is quite a bit larger than the town of Beverly itself (41,635). On a pro rata basis then, we are talking about a stupid and draconian measure to avoid contact with residents of a city with 111 confirmed cases. Utter fucking insanity.
Posted by: Raj 2020-04-11