
Have the States Violated the Constitution with Their Lock-downs?
[Martin Armstrong] There is no doubt that Americans have been getting a civics lesson as they turn to Washington for answers to the coronavirus crisis, but discover that their state governors have assumed far more control over what goes on in their daily lives than the constitution allows. It has been State and local authorities making decisions about shutting down businesses and allocating medical equipment to hospitals — not the President. They have merely listened to Bill Gates and the compromised Anthony Fauci whose recommendations are illegal.

This is what the "United States" meant that there was a separation of powers between federal and state. This is the system the founding fathers designed, though it seems anachronistic to many while people like Fauci have been the stooge for Bill Gates claiming this is a deadly disease that warrants we be locked-down as prisoners in our own homes without any legal authority under the Constitution....

My interpretation of this is simple. It is unconstitutional for any state to block interstate commerce. Consequently, the President has the executive power to issue a binding order to open up commerce and the states cannot legally resist that order for keeping the economy locked-down violates the Commerce Clause. Over the years, the meaning of the word "commerce" has been a source of controversy. The Constitution did not explicitly define the word. That has led to legal arguments back and forth....

Therefore, relying on these decisions, the attempt by the states to lock-down the economy is UNCONSTITUTIONAL and the President has the power even under National Security to reopen the economy since it has been illegally shut down at the request of Bill Gates and his surrogate Anthony Fauci. This is dealing DIRECTLY with interstate commerce which is no different than protectionism that each state could then impose tariffs on imports from another state, which was the clear intention of the Founding Fathers to prohibit.
Posted by: Clem 2020-04-14