
Good morning
Coonman Signs Law Ordering ‘All Places’ Open to Public to Let Transgenders Use Ladies’ Rooms

Wednesday April 15th, 2020

Madge Evans_i1qbbjxvo4_400
Sarraj Welcomes the ‘Liberation’ of Sabratha and Surman
Public executions, looting, and burning a few police stations and hospitals is all part of the process
Man Indicted in Switzerland for Plotting Attacks in Lebanon
If they had an Olympic event in plotting, planning, and beard muttering there'd be major Arab gold
GNA convoy of 13 cars completely destroyed by LNA Air Force west of AbuGrian
There are plenty more where they came from
Saudi Arabia blocks Turkish state media outlets
Like al-Jazeera, but with a fez
Taliban Denies 'Charter' Document
"We got the Koran. We don't need no damned constitution"
Egyptian police kill 7 terrorists in raid in Cairo’s El-Amiriya ahead of Easter
One thing Moslems really hate is other people's holy days
Affirmative Action on Parade

Posted by: Fred 2020-04-15