
New Jersey to CAIR: Take a Hike!
Mayor balks at endorsing Arab group for panel
Efforts to establish a New Jersey Arab Heritage Commission are falling short of winning the support of one Hunterdon County mayor.
Birthplace of James Marshall, whose discovery of gold in California led to the forty-niner' rush.
That's because Raritan Township Mayor Peter Kinsella said he disagrees with the philosophy espoused by one of the organizations backing the formation of the commission.
Its nice to see leaders with insight, and backbone.
Kinsella objects to the Council on American-Islamic Relations' involvement in the movement and suggests the state "do a better job" of selecting an advocacy group with which to align itself. "They are a lobbying group intent on promoting differences between cultural groups, in a negative manner, to serve their own agenda," Kinsella said in a prepared statement released in response to a state request for a resolution supporting the creation of the commission. "They have exhibited an anti-U.S. attitude in the war on terror."
You got that right.
While Raritan's township committee has not taken action on the resolution, more than 20 other municipalities throughout the state have passed resolutions of support for the establishment of the commission, according to Frank Vespa-Papaleo, director of the New Jersey Division on Civil Rights. The idea for the commission came out of a collaborative effort of CAIR and the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, a grassroots civil rights organization. New Jersey is home to more than 750,000 Arabs and Muslims -- there are about 10 million nationwide -- yet their religions, culture and customs remain a mystery to most Americans, said Aref Assaf, president of the New Jersey chapter of ADC...
Posted by: IToldYouSo 2005-02-20