
Cuenta de Cadaveres Colombianos
Translated from Spanish
It happened last night at 8:30pm as confirmed today by General Hector Fandino, commander of the 17th Army Brigade. A patrol of the 46th Infantry Battalion was undertaking military operations in the sector known as "Pegado" when guerillas of the 34th FARC Front set off an improvised explosive device [literally a 'field mine']. Two soldiers died at the site and two others died at the Apartado Hospital where the wounded were brought.... In the same region, this past February 9th, 18 soldiers and 11 guerrillas were killed in combat with FARC. Meanwhile, on February 14th, three children perished by stepping on mines emplaced by the same group of guerrillas in Vistahermosa.
Posted by: 11A5S 2005-02-22