
Chirac argues for gesture to Iran in nuke talks
French President Jacques Chirac called Tuesday for a sign to be sent to Iran as part of European-led talks aimed at convincing Tehran to definitively abandon its nuclear ambitions. Chirac told a press conference in Brussels that an "entirely legitimate" sign could focus on the Islamic republic's desire to join the World Trade Organisation (WTO) or to obtain civilian aircraft engines. He said he had spoken about Iran with US President George W. Bush during a dinner date on Monday, but did not say what the US leader's response was.
Can't print that in a family weblog newspaper.
Washington has alleged that Iran is seeking to build nuclear weapons, a charge that Tehran vehemently denies, saying that its nuclear programme is completely peaceful.
"Just like our long-range missile programme. Really really peaceful!"
While the US has not ruled out the threat of military action, European nations, led by France, Britain and Germany, have been using the carrot rather than stick approach and are seeking to persuade Iran to comply with international obligations in return for a lucrative package of trade deals.
Plus they're into the whole "groveling" thing...

Posted by: Seafarious 2005-02-23