
‘I Don't Think That's a Good Idea’ – Lindsey Graham Says He Won't Call in Obama to Testify
[Breitbart] On Thursday President Trump called on Barack Obama to be questioned under oath before Congress for his role in "the biggest political crime and scandal in the history of the USA, by FAR!"
There he goes, moving the Overton Window again. Until now it was unthinkable that St. Barack might ever be called to account for his actions. Now we can ponder the possibilities while ever more evidence surfaces.
President Trump also called on Senator Lindsey Graham to quit talking and do his job as Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee. And there you have it...Trump broadsides another RINO.

The RINO limp biscuit senator told reporters today he would not call in Obama to testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Lindsey added, "I don’t think that’s a good idea."

Posted by: Woodrow 2020-05-15