
UK anti-terror law passes first test
Fiercely contested anti-terrorism measures cleared their first hurdle in Britain's parliament on Wednesday. The planned "control orders" would, in extreme cases, allow ministers to confine suspects to house arrest without trial - a move critics say overturns basic freedoms enshrined in Britain's centuries-old judicial system. Prime Minister Tony Blair's large majority in parliament's lower chamber ensured the bill's approval by 309 votes to 233, although some members of his ruling Labour Party voted against it. But the House of Lords could throw out the legislation in coming days. Labour lacks a majority in the upper chamber. The fight over the laws has catapulted national security up Britain's political agenda weeks before an expected election. "There is a serious security threat to this country ... I think these people would kill thousands of our citizens if they could. I think this is terrorism without limit," Blair told parliament on Wednesday ahead of a debate on the bill.
Posted by: Fred 2005-02-24