
Black activists warn Biden against selecting Amy Klobuchar as running mate
[JUSTTHENEWS] Presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Foreign Policy Whiz Kid Biden
...When the stock market crashed, Franklin Roosevelt got on the television and didn't just talk about the princes of greed. He said, 'Look, here's what happened.'...
should not select Sen. Amy Klobuchar
Senatrix from Minnesota, candidate for the Dem presidential 2020 nomination. You can tell the kind of husband a boy will make by the way he treats his mother. You can tell the kind of leader a politician will make by the way he treats his staff. Klobuchar is reportedly overbearing, snide, and dictatorial with her people. She see this as merely getting the best from them. Her name spelled backward in the Russian alphabet would be "Rachubolk," which sounds pretty daggone suspicious...
as his vice presidential running mate according to some black and Latino activists and strategists.

The Minnesota Democrat would "risk losing the very base the Democrats need to win," said Aimee Allison, founder of She the People, according to Politico.

"It comes from her performance in the primary — her weakness in being able to motivate them," BlackPAC executive director Adrianne Shropshire said. "The engagement and the enthusiasm of black voters is going to be a difference-maker in this election, and the concerns about her in this role stem from the degree to which she resonated or not with those core constituencies."

Klobuchar only secured one percent of the black vote during the South Carolina primary and four percent of the Latino vote in the Nevada primary.

Biden, who has pledged to select a female running mate, has indicated that several black women are included within his potential picks.

"A choice such as Sen. Amy Klobuchar (Minn.), who failed to prosecute controversial police killings and is responsible for the imprisonment of Myon Burrell, will only alienate black voters," according to an opinion piece that also called for Biden to select a black female running mate.

Posted by: Fred 2020-05-25