
Iran terms US attack threat absurd
The threat of a US military attack on Iran's nuclear facilities is absurd because Washington is far too stretched in the region to even consider taking on a new enemy, a senior Iranian diplomat has said. "Any notion of threat of attack, or attack, by the Americans is purely absurd," said Sirus Naseri, a senior member of Iran's delegation to the UN nuclear watchdog. "The US is simply too vulnerable with its overstretched presence in the region to engage in such silly threats or attacks," he said on Wednesday, referring to Washington's military presence in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Whatever they're paying their intel analysts, it's too much...
Asked if he thought the United States might be bluffing by refusing to rule out the military option, Naseri said Washington should be open about any possible plans to destroy Iran's atomic sites with military force. "If there is any truth in this (that attacking Iran is a real option) I think what the Iranians would say is put it on the table," Naseri said in an interview.
I thought he just did?
Earlier, US President George Bush and German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder put aside their dispute over Iraq and united in warning Iran against developing a nuclear weapon. Bush, who is on the second leg of a visit aimed at repairing transatlantic ties hurt by the Iraqi war, said in the German city of Maines: "It's vital that the Iranians hear the world speak with one voice that they shouldn't have a nuclear weapon. "We absolutely agree that Iran must say no to any kind of nuclear weapons, full stop," Schroeder said through an interpreter at a joint press conference following closed-door meetings with his guest.
Posted by: Fred 2005-02-24