
Cuenta de Cadaveres Colombianos
FARC Guerrilla kills Seven Comrades and Then Hands Himself Over to the Police
Translated from Spanish
Apparently, the other subversives had been opposed to his plan of desertion. The incident occurred in the rural zone of the town of Colombia (Huila). The operational commander of the police considered this incident to be a indicator of the weakening of FARC that has been generated by the pressure of the Army. "This kid couldn't bear any longer the constant bad treatment, the degradation, and the humiliation by his comrades and squad leader," stated General Alberto Ruiz, who arrived in Neiva yesterday to learn first hand what occurred. His conclusion was supported by the statements of "Sergio", a 21-year old youth, who in the vicinity of the Bellavista ranch murdered five men and two women with his AK-47 rifle, in order to escape and turn himself into the authorities. "Lulu", one of his comrades, is believed to have escaped but is gravely injured, said the Army.
Posted by: 11A5S 2005-02-24