
Hugo Chavez to use 100,000 AK-47 rifles to arm citizens to defend country against US Invasion
Military trains students to use rifles; study guerilla tactics in the case of an external threat to Venezuelan national sovereignty
Remember the assasination plot of a few days ago? That was the exuse to arm his supporters a la Cuba style. It is the same excuse Fidel used: the yankees are coming, the yankees are coming! Meanwhile, Venezuelans will have armed thugs to supress any dissenting voice for decades to come.
VHeadline commentarist Carlos Herrera writes:
The threat of intervention in Venezuela's sovereign affairs ... either directly from the US beach head in Latin America represented by Plan Colombia or direct intervention using US troops, cruise missiles, smart bombs etc., or the constant stream of distorted statements from US State Department spokesmen laying the ground to "prove" that Chavez is consorting with terrorists are all elements of the growing US hostility from the government of George W. Bush towards the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and its sovereign people. The latter strategy has been implemented with the connivance of corporate US media outlets such as Fox News, CNN en español and the help of deluded extreme right-wing journalists such as Mary Anastasia O'Grady writing in the Wall Street Journal, Michael Rowan in various Caracas-based publications such as El Universal and The Daily Journal, Phil Gunson operating out of Miami ... as well as other paid hacks.

Posted by: TMH 2005-02-24