
Apt Pupil ( Ahmed Omar Abu Ali)
Long article at the link about the Islamic Saudi Academy of Alexandria, Virginia and their illustrious alumni and staff. In addition to Ali arrested for a plot to assasinate our president, two students were arrested in Israel for suspicion of being terrorists. The accountant, Ismail Elbarasse, a high ranking Hamas operative and financier, was arrested for casing American bridges. Read the above article for details and an ever expanding cast of characters. Apt Pupil ( Ahmed Omar Abu Ali)

In addition Frontpage profiled Wahhabi funding two years ago and the Islamic Saudi Academy was prominently mentioned: The Wahhabi Fifth Column

The most malleable minds belong to children. An estimated 30,000 of them attend Saudi-funded Wahhabi day schools.

In America, parochial schools have long been noted for their high educational standards. But Wahhabi schools do not emulate other American church-based nativities of faith and knowledge; nor do they follow the American model of rigorous intellectual inquiry.

The Islamic Saudi Academy (ISA) in Northern Virginia forthrightly states that even though it exists on U.S. soil, it is "subject to the government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia."

Students at ISA are not required to study U.S. history or government. They do, however, receive instruction in Wahhabism.

Outsiders are not permitted to observe Wahhabism lessons or any other classes at ISA. But early this year, students at the academy told two Washington Post reporters some of the things they learn at school. Among other things, students discover the intricacies of Judgment Day.

One event on that formidable day will be that Muslims will fight and kill Jews. The cowardly Jews will seek refuge behind trees. Much like the trees in the forest scene from the Wizard of Oz, these trees will become animated and aggressive. They will call out to the righteous: "Oh Muslim, Oh servant of God, here is a Jew hiding behind me. Come here and kill him."

Students also said they are taught "it is better to shun and even to dislike Christians, Jews and Shiite Muslims." Furthermore, students learn, it is okay to hurt or steal from a non-Muslim.

The Saudi-supplied textbooks at this and other Wahhabi schools state that Muslims are obliged to consider all infidels the enemy. Certain enemies are not even acknowledged in geography class. Wahhabi schools in America are notorious for doctoring maps of the Middle East, and hanging them in classrooms - with Israel blotted out.

Such is the curriculum of education-minded Saudis.

Close the madrassas and deport the imams, staff, students and their families.

And their little dogs, too.

Posted by: ed 2005-02-24