
Minneapolis Mayor Asks Trump For Aid After Riots Cause At Least $55 Million In Damage
[DAILYWIRE] The Minneapolis mayor is asking for federal help cleaning up and rebuilding his city after rioters caused at least $55 million worth of damage through looting, burning, and defacing public and private property.

That cost estimate is likely to increase in the coming days as government officials continue to tally the damage done in the wake of George Floyd’s death, Mayor Jacob Frey said according to the Minneapolis Star Tribune. Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz and the state’s congressional delegation are also pushing the Trump administration and Congress for funding.

On Tuesday, city officials released an initial estimate of $55 million in damage done to at least 220 buildings. The mayor said that the number was likely a lowball estimate and that the total cost of the riots across Minneapolis and the state capital of St. Paul is likely to be "tens, if not hundreds of millions" of dollars.

"We will do everything we can as we shift to recovery mode," Frey said, according to the Star Tribune. "We’re recovering from crises sandwiched on top of each other, from COVID-19 to the police killing and then the looting which took place afterward."

City and state officials are attempting to get financial support from Congress or through the Federal Emergency Management Agency. Neither option looks promising, Rep. Betty McCollum (D-MN) said.

Posted by: Fred 2020-06-07