
Discourse Needs Different Perspectives
Alyssa Johnson's photo
[VictoryGirlsBlog] Just logging on to your Facebook page or walking into your workplace can pose to provide a hotbed into a debate. As the discourse moves from discussing the kids and the weather, it all can quickly careen in to a political minefield.

In fact, some individuals are quick to label a debate in civil discourse as "hate speech". You don’t believe all of the tenets of the Black Lives Matter movement? Hate speech. You support law enforcement? Hate speech. You don’t believe you’re privileged? Hate speech. See what I am getting at here?

The "discourse police" who feel you are engaging of said "hate speech" will stop at nothing to ruin your very existence on this earth. Take LSU professor, Alyssa Johnson.
Posted by: 746 2020-06-13