
De Blasio declares himself strongest mayor in the country; critics in his own staff pounce
[BIZPACREVIEW] New York City Mayor Comrade Bill de Blasio
...cryptocommie mayor of New York and for some reason a Dem candidate for president in 2020. Corrupt and incompetent, his qualifications for office seem to consist of being married to a black woman, with whom he honeymooned in Cuba. He has a preppy-looking son named Dante, whose Divine Comedy involved getting his back hair up when a police car drove past him slowly. New Yorkers voted for him, so they deserve him...
brushed off criticism from current and former city officials in proclaiming that his is the "strongest mayoralty" in the United States."This is the strongest mayoralty in the country, in every sense, and the strongest city in the country, in every sense, and we can persevere through all sorts of challenges and we will. So I’m quite confident in what we can do in the next year and a half," de Blasio said Friday during his daily press briefing.

The bold statement comes after some of his own staff blasted publicly in letters as well as with an unprecedented march across the Brooklyn Bridge over his government’s responses to citywide protests following the death of George Floyd at the hands of police in Minneapolis last month.

De Blasio noted, in response to a question about the criticism from a news hound, that he "respects" differences of opinion.

Posted by: Fred 2020-06-13