
Devolution to Revolution: An Already Demoralized U.S. is Now Being Destabilized
[American Thinker] The two destabilizing events recently occurring back-to-back, the response to the Wuhan coronavirus pandemic, and the George Floyd rioting, illustrate well how America is now institutionally incapable of making decisions in her own best interests. That is, the overreaction to the disease and under-reaction to the rioting reflect a country long demoralized.

Moreover, if that’s not troubling enough, know that this is a state of being that usually leads to tyranny.

We’d had pandemics before — ones causing more death, especially when adjusted for population — but we’d never before embraced lockdowns, a cure worse than the disease.

But at least the disease was a relative unknown; riots are not. People the world over know how to deal with riots, and this isn’t by letting them metastasize so thugs can run wild, hurt the innocent and destroy the nation. Yet our "leaders" fiddled while the country burned, motivated by moral confusion and weakness, and some, most certainly, by ulterior motives.

You may recognize "demoralization" and "destabilization" as the first two steps in the process of communist subversion, explained well by late Soviet defector Yuri Bezmenov, a KGB agent who fled to Canada in 1970. Bezmenov stated in the mid-1980s already that the process of demoralization — an undermining of a target nation’s morals that makes it ripe for revolutionary takeover — was "basically completed already" in the United States. But a money line is what he said about demoralized people:

"[D]espite...the abundance of information, no one is able to come to sensible conclusions in the interests of defending themselves, their families, their community and their country. It’s a great brainwashing process...."

Sound familiar, maybe a bit like people who can’t figure out how to handle rioters and why it’s necessary? How about people who think eliminating ICE, borders and the police are positive measures (I refer to the actually sincere individuals)?

Bezmenov also said that demoralized people "are programmed to think and react to certain stimuli in a certain pattern; you cannot change their mind." Sound familiar, perhaps like people who react to truthful statements by reflexively shouting "racist!" or "white supremacy!"?

One more familiar sentiment: Bezmenov also stated, "A person who is demoralized is unable to assess true information — the facts tell nothing to him." Just think here about how many today will react to air-tight, fact-based, logical arguments, not with assent or even open-minded pondering, but with angry rejection.

Note here that numbness to Truth is nothing new. British satirist Jonathan Swift observed hundreds of years ago already (I’m paraphrasing) that you "cannot reason a man out of a position he has not reasoned himself into." The difference is that the process of demoralization in question yields large numbers of people egregiously detached from reality in a way that serves a specific agenda, and who are virtually impossible to change.

Our thoroughly demoralized state can best be understood by grasping how our society actually demonizes the elements of morality — virtues — while elevating vices. Chastity is called prudishness while sexual depravity is normalized and lust is branded "lifestyle choices." Emphasizing diligence and its fruits (e.g., punctuality, hard work) is called "white supremacy" while sloth is rewarded with handouts. Prudence (wisdom) is branded bigotry while foolishness is called "wokeness." Faith is deemed fantasy while secular cynicism is thought sophistication. Actions reflecting courage are called cruelty and cowardice is called compassion. Humility is considered weakness while pride is labeled "high self-esteem." Patience is devalued while acting on wrath is called activism. Kindness is lacking while envy is euphemized as a desire for "social justice" and "equality." This is a time of moral inversion.
Posted by: Besoeker 2020-06-13