
Hispanic vendor in Tulsa uses Alinsky tactics against a BLM supporter
Via Insty. Must-watch video.
[AmThinker] Faced with this provocation, chin-mask guy starts babbling about systemic discrimination. And that’s when the vendor turns the table on him.

"Two days ago, I lost my money. How about you reimburse me for that. I’m a minority. Give me your money," he says, holding out a mock pleading hand. "I’m a minority. Give me my reparations."

Suddenly, the chin-mask guy is done talking about systemic oppression. He’s offended. "For what?" he demands.

"Because I’ve been oppressed. I’m a minority."

Like Pavlov’s dog, chin-mask guy latches on to a magic word. "Yes," he says, nodding his head rapidly, "you’ve been oppressed. You’ve definitely been oppressed."

"So give me my rights. You’re white. Give me my reparations. Give me my reparations!"

Chin-mask is on board. "Yes. You have my promise of reparations." He does not, however, dig into his wallet. Instead, puzzled, he asks, "How am I going to give you reparations?"

That’s a foolish question because the vendor has already told him how real reparations should work. Chin-mask guy is white and he’s admitted his white guilt, so he, personally, should dig into his pocket.

Posted by: Matt 2020-06-23