
Queen thinks Charles puts personal life before duty: report
LONDON - Queen Elizabeth II has distanced herself from the wedding of Prince Charles because she believes her son is putting "personal gratification before duty," a newspaper reported on Sunday.
He's not the first Crown Prince to do this.
Royal courtiers, quoted by The Sunday Telegraph, also said privately that the queen is "lukewarm" about the marriage and worried it could tarnish the monarchy itself.

Royal watchers in the British media called her planned absence a monumental snub even though the queen and other family members planned to attend the service of dedication afterwards at St George's Chapel in Windsor. The queen's private secretary Sir Robin Janvrin had tried to protect her from becoming involved in a "town hall marriage," which demeaned her own status, a courtier was quoted as saying.

The courtier said Janvrin's intervention was symptomatic of the queen's persistent concerns over Charles's relationship with Parker Bowles. "The queen believes that the Prince of Wales has put his own gratification and interests before duty by pursuing his relationship with Camilla and she can never forgive that," the courtier was quoted as saying.
She wasn't too happy with Diana either. Oh, the miseries of a meddling mother.
Meanwhile, The Sunday Times said the wedding may be the first in modern times not to be televised. While it had been agreed the town hall ceremony would not be broadcast, chances were only 50-50 that the church service would be shown because of objections from ArchDruid bishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams.
Posted by: Steve White 2005-02-27