
Oh Noes! Iran issues arrest warrant for Trump over killing of top commander Qasem Soleimani
I guess that State visit to Qom is out...
[CNBC] Iran's government has issued an arrest warrant for U.S. President Donald Trump over the killing of its top commander, Qasem Soleimani, in January, the country's semiofficial Fars news agency reported Monday.

Tehran is also reportedly asking Interpol for help, according to Fars. Ali Alghasi-Mehr, the attorney general of Tehran, named Trump and 35 others Iran has accused of involvement in Soleimani's death as facing "murder and terrorism charges," and was quoted as saying he had asked Interpol to issue "red notices" for them ‐ the highest level notice Interpol can issue on an individual to pursue their arrest.

Trump, however, is in no danger of arrest and it's highly unlikely Interpol would honor Iran's request, as the international agency's guidelines forbid it from "undertaking any intervention or activities of a political" nature. Red notices enable local law enforcement authorities to arrest individuals on behalf of the requesting country, though they cannot force the country to arrest or extradite suspects.

The Trump administration has so far not responded to Iran's announcement. Interpol did not immediately reply to a request for comment from CNBC.

Soleimani led Iran's Quds Force, the foreign operations wing of the elite paramilitary Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps. The Trump administration labeled him a terrorist, and Washington deemed him responsible for the deaths of hundreds of U.S. troops in Iraq.

The 62-year-old Soleimani was killed in a drone strike directed by Trump in early January while in the Iraqi capital of Baghdad, in a move that sent regional tensions and oil prices soaring and triggered a retaliatory attack by Iran and its proxies on Iraqi bases housing U.S. troops.

In emphasizing Soleimani's significance, one defense analyst called the strike "the equivalent of Iran killing the U.S. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff or the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency and then taking credit for it."
Posted by: Frank G 2020-06-29