
DNC: Celebrating July 4th Equals White Supremacy
[THECONSERVATIVETREEHOUSE] Under normal conditions one might expect to identify this moment as the official moment the rubicon of DNC insanity has been crossed. However,
it's easy to be generous with someone else's money...
it’s 2020;... therefore as soon as you think the boundaries of DNC
"If you're white you ain't right!"
stupidity have been reached, the DNC will bring out their stupid boundary stretchers.

In a tweet earlier tonight the DNC takes the official position that celebrating the fourth of July is the equivalent of celebrating white supremacy
...the pernicious doctrine that laws were intended to be obeyed, that society works better when people don't pour shreiking from their places of worship every Friday for a weekend of rioting over insults real or imagined; and that cannibalism, beastiality, incest, murder, theft, rape, and similar activities are bad. A Dead White European (which invalidates his opinion) philosopher once opined that societies thrive when a person's word can be relied upon, and that a society which puts individual happiness first will invariably fail. Strangely enough, other successful societies, such as China, Japan, Korea, and those kinds of places could also be lumped with white supremacist societies, since they push the same values...

Anyone who identifies as a party Democrat will now have to rebuke the fourth of July to retain their party position. Additionally, any democrat caught celebrating the Fourth of July holiday will now be joining a celebration of white supremacy.
Posted by: Fred 2020-07-01