
Conservative Lauren Boebert Unseats Five-Term Republican Scott Tipton

[Breitbart] Five-term Rep. Scott Tipton (R-CO), who was backed by President Donald Trump, lost his primary to Lauren Boebert, the owner of Shooters Grill in Colorado.

Dave Wasserman, the editor of the nonpartisan Cook Political Report, called the primary for Boebert over Tipton in Colorado’s third district Republican primary.

The primary serves as another primary loss for Trump, who had endorsed Tipton over Boebert.

He wrote on Monday, "Congressman @ScottRTipton is a great supporter of the #MAGA Agenda! He fights for your #2A rights and the Border Wall. Scott is working hard for Colorado and has my Complete and Total Endorsement!"

Boebert is a 32-year-old gun-rights activist, the owner of the Garfield County Shooters Grill. Boebert has charged that Tipton has not successfully fought off leftist policies in Washington, DC.

Wasserman said on Tuesday night that the district voted for Trump in 2016 by 12 points over Hillary Clinton, meaning that Democrat candidate Diane Mitsch Bush would have a tough time taking the district. Mitsch Bush lost to Tipton during the 2018 midterm elections.

Boebert gained public attention after she defied public health orders when she reopened in-restaurant dining in May. She subsequently lost her restaurant license.

Boebert’s victory over Tipton serves as Trump’s third primary loss.
This shouldn't be seen as a repudiation of Trump, it should be seen as the locals being finally fed up with their entrenched politicians that don't really support them and thus their firing. These are local house seats and is a local fight.
Conservative outsider Bob Good unseated Rep. Denver Riggleman (R-VA) in June despite the House Freedom Caucus backing Riggleman over Good. Good managed to defeat Riggleman by focusing on reducing legal immigration.

"As Americans are trying to get back to work, they have to compete with hundreds of thousands of foreign workers who will take lower wages and take our jobs," Good told Breitbart News in May.

Conservative millennial Madison Cawthorn then defeated Lynda Bennet, who was endorsed by the House Freedom Fund, the Senate Conservative Fund, the American Conservative Union (ACU), and other influential D.C. conservatives.

In 2016, Bennett reportedly declared herself a "never Trump person."

Boebert tweeted on Tuesday before the primary election that she will continue to fight against the rising tide of socialism in America.

She wrote, "America didn’t just happen. Our founders fought hard to create this incredible country. We’re not going to let it fall to socialists!"
I lived in that area and graduated from school in Glenwood. Republicans/independents there just voted for another giant FU to the establishment with this. While I liked Tipton and appreciated a lot of what he did, he has been getting a bit swampy the past few years. Which is why he lost. If the Republican party does not grow a backbone and stand up to the communists, expect a lot more defeats. They really need to get over being the stupid party and pulling defeat from the jaws of victory.

Posted by: DarthVader 2020-07-01