
Howling Howard Denounces "Intolerant" Republicans

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Dean screams roars into town
Democrats welcome new DNC leader
Democrats, he said, must reframe the values debate, claiming the high ground on Social Security, health care and protecting American security.

"Those are Kansas values," he said.But the Hiebert crowd got a little more red meat than the Liberty Hall attendees.

On abortion specifically, he said, the party must commit to making abortions "safe, legal and rare" while maintaining women's rights to choose.

"The issue is not abortion," Dean told the closed-door fund-raiser. "The issue is whether women can make up their own mind instead of some right-wing pastor, some right-wing politician telling them what to do."

And Dean told the Hiebert fund-raiser that gay marriage was a Republican diversion from discussions of ballooning deficits and lost American jobs. That presents an opportunity to attract moderate Republicans, he said.

"Moderate Republicans can't stand these people (conservatives), because they're intolerant. They don't think tolerance is a virtue," Dean said, adding: "I'm not going to have these right-wingers throw away our right to be tolerant."

And concluding his backyard speech with a litany of Democratic values, he added: "This is a struggle of good and evil. And we're the good."

When told of Dean's remarks, Derrick Sontag -- executive director of the Kansas Republican Party -- said he was "shocked."

"My immediate reaction to that whole dialogue is, it's full of hatred," Sontag said. "The Democratic Party has elected a leader that's full of hatred."

Sure, they are even tolerant of hatred, especially hatred of eviiil Republicans who demonize the opposition and generalize too much.
Posted by: Atomic Conspiracy 2005-02-27