
We're Experiencing an Attempted Revolution by Entitled, Privileged Snobs but How Will It Play Out?
[Red State] I usually don’t post on this kind of viral video because while it is amusing, in a sad and pathetic kind of way, the plural of anecdote is not data. Watch this whole video because it is a metaphor for what I think is going to happen in America:

This is breathtaking in its arrogance and lack of introspection. A whiny-ass white boy lecturing a black working man about what it means to be black in America. This sh**stain’s diatribe is the second most amazing thing in this video. The most amazing thing is that he didn’t get pounded to a pulp by an actual man who knows how to carry himself.

Unless you’ve missed it, we’re seeing the formation of what could become an active insurrection. A lot of it is straight out of the unconventional warfare classroom. The radical Marxist group Black Lives Matter provides the direction. There are establishment figures, like Nancy Pelosi, like Chuck Schumer, like Rachel Maddow, like Jake Tapper, who think by mouthing correct slogans they will buy influence and loyalty, but, if this project succeeds those folks and their face-diaper wearing colleagues will be among the first to the scaffold (assuming anyone in BLM has the mechanical skills to erect one).

The rent-a-mobs are composed of three easily identifiable segments: the provocateurs and street soldiers composed largely of antifa and black bloc stooges; the ’mostly peaceful’ protesters who think they are participating in a legitimate act of protest; and the opportunists who show up to carry off big screen televisions, throw bricks at cops, and commit vandalism for the sake of destroying stuff. The general strategy in this kind of movement is that the provocateurs try to create acts of violence directed against law enforcement and security forces. They are aided in this by the opportunists who often have a large number of actual criminals in the ranks. The idea is to provoke the security forces into an act that leaves lots of bodies in the street, ideally bodies belonging to the ’mostly peaceful’ protesters. This, in turn, recruits more people to the cause as the dead are deemed martyrs and recruiting tools.

It doesn’t always work.

Posted by: Besoeker 2020-07-05