
School Board Member melts down because white man held a brown baby

in New York somewhere

partial transcript below

"We had over 100 parents write you [Maron] a letter explaining why a member of this council was extraordinarily offensive and racist during a meeting . . . A member of this council was racist and I did nothing and I'm ashamed I did nothing and I can sit here during a public meeting and say I'm sorry, I made a mistake, I didn't speak out verbally when multiple times during the meeting one of the members engaged in behavior that made me ache and hurt for the non-white people that were logged in."

What was the offensive behavior?

Said council member, during the meeting, had a family member visiting, with a child "of color" (his nephew/a family friend – it isn't clear), as they say, and held that child on his lap during the meeting, saying "my living room is integrated."

Posted by: lord garth 2020-07-08