
Now House Dems Are Threatening to Shut Down the Government Over Statues
[PJMedia] House Democrats working on the annual appropriations bill say that they will force a government shutdown unless the statues of Southern politicians in the Capitol are removed.

The government will technically run out of money on September 30 unless Congress passes appropriations bills. The appropriation for the legislative branch includes the demand that the Confederate statues in public areas be removed and returned to the states that donated them.

The Democrats are also demanding that plaques and markers that honor people with "unambiguous records of racial intolerance" be removed as well.

The move is a political ploy to force Republicans into an uncomfortable political position while displaying their racial bona fides to the mob.
I really don't see how this benefits them as it is the local, district representatives that get hit hardest by this. The average union man, working on military-government projects will be furloughed right as they are in the heat of the election cycle.
They will blame their local representative more than Trump.

Posted by: DarthVader 2020-07-07