
Black Lives Matter Has Super Powers? Here's the Kryptonite.
[AmericanThinker] This article gives everybody it reaches the power to send BLM, along with its political, academic, and corporate supporters, crashing down in total ruin. This material, all of which readers and other interested parties can verify independently from the links — you don't have to take my word for it — also has the potential to demolish the credibility of ActBlue, the Democrats' key fundraising organization, and the left-leaning Thousand Currents organization. This material is, to be quite blunt, what Kryptonite is to Superman, Valyrian Steel is to the White Walkers in Game of Thrones, and a cross is to Dracula. The issue consists simply of BLM's apparent misuse of 501(c)(3) tax-exempt money to influence the November election.

An inaccurate story has been circulating to the effect that Black Lives Matter is working with ActBlue to launder money that goes to Democratic candidates. Open Secrets explains, "A donation to BLM through ActBlue goes just to BLM, not any other group." ActBlue is itself not 501(c)(3) tax-exempt, so there's nothing more to see here, is there, folks?

There is actually plenty to see, and the real truth is far worse than the debunked rumor. While ActBlue is not 501(c)(3) tax-exempt, therefore it has considerable leeway about what it does with its money, ActBlue Charities, which accepts donations for the Black Lives Global Network (the entity that apparently controls Blacklivesmatter.com) is. Thousand Currents, which is BLM's fiscal sponsor, also is 501(c)(3) tax-exempt. BLM is openly using its website to campaign against President Trump. Web pages hosted by ActBlue Charities and Thousand Currents also attack Trump, so these entities will have trouble saying "we did not know."

We need to clarify before we proceed that BLM Global Network is emphatically not BLM Foundation, the noncontroversial organization founded by Robert Ray Barnes. BLM Global Network is represented at BlackLivesMatter.com, the same website linked by Thousand Currents and which collects donations via ActBlue Charities. The fact that the first Google result for "Black Lives Matter Foundation" links to BLM Global Network's About page* suggests to me that the latter organization is using the name of Barnes's organization to mislead internet users into visiting BlackLivesMatter.com instead and possibly donate money under the mistaken belief that they are supporting Barnes's far less controversial organization. This tells me plenty, and nothing good, about the ethics of BLM Global Network. For the purpose of further discussion, "BLM" means BLM Global Network and not BLM Foundation.
The steps of the argument — supporting material at the link:
  • 501(c)(3) Money Cannot be Used to Influence an Election
  • BLM Global Network is Openly Campaigning against Trump
  • ActBlue Charities' and Thousand Currents' Own Roles

    These are but three of many examples, and you can find more yourself with a Google search on site:ActBlue.com and "Trump." Be sure, however, to pay attention to only the pages that say "ActBlue Charities" and cite 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status at the bottom. ActBlue also has a non-tax-exempt arm that has far more leeway as to what it can do to influence an election.

    Widespread publicity for these issues should collapse the Democrat left's center of gravity to deliver an electoral landslide in November. "Woke" virtue-signaling corporations that have supported BLM Global Network will scramble desperately to pretend that they never heard of it.

    Posted by: trailing wife 2020-07-08
  • http://www.rantburg.com/poparticle.php?ID=576335