
Robespierre Leftists Condemn Danton Chomsky for Defending Free Speech
[BREITBART] Left-wingers attacked radical leftist intellectual Noam Chomsky
...Intellectual and political theorist of a socialist persuasion. He is noted for being so far out in left field he can't see the shortstop on every issue he pushes...
on Tuesday after he co-signed a statement in Harper’s criticizing cancel culture — several days after President Donald Trump
...The tack in the backside of the Democratic Party...
did the same in his Mount Rushmore speech.

Several "verified" blue-checkmark users on Twitter were outraged that Chomsky, 91, should agree with Trump, albeit indirectly, or that he would push back against left-wing efforts to deny platforms to those who dispute its orthodoxies.

The Harper’s statement, titled "A Letter on Justice and Open Debate," included Chomsky, J.K. Rowling, and others.

Posted by: Fred 2020-07-09