
Today a mask, tomorrow a hazmat suit ‐ where does it stop?
[News With Views] Before I delve into that legal question, I feel it’s imperative to get this newly released information out there having to do with the death of George Floyd. This latest round of rioting started over Floyd’s death and by design, moved on to the agenda of domestic terrorists like BLM and ANTIFA as well as the insanity, Defund the Police.

We all know what happened that day — or think we do. Floyd was put on the ground. Officer Chauvin kneed his neck. Floyd was yelling he can’t breathe many times. At the time MPD allowed the use of neck restraint for individuals resisting arrest. Only cops can tell you what a nightmare and how dangerous it is trying to deal with either a drunk or someone full of drugs. Floyd was 6’7".

George Floyd was a repeat criminal offender, an ex-con who went to prison for holding a loaded gun up against the stomach of a pregnant woman with the intent to rob. He was also a serious, hard core drug addict. That is not an excuse to kill any individual being questioned by police officers. Everyone in this country is entitled to due process.

A few days ago, the transcript of Officer Thomas Lane’s body camera was finally released. It tells the story in real time of exactly what actually happened before Floyd was kneed on the ground.

George Floyd was resisting arrest, make no mistake about that. Even Floyd’s friend in the car they came to the store in yelled at George to stop resisting. The officers repeatedly tried to get him into the police car while Floyd had a running narrative about how he’s not that kind of man, he loves his mother over and over. He keeps telling the officers not to shoot him and their response was they were not going to shoot him. All they wanted was his cooperation.

George did not want to get in the police car and made that perfectly clear. Early on, Officer Kueng said Floyd was acting erratic. This is consistent with what store employees where the alleged counterfeit bill was presented by Floyd recounted for the police.
Posted by: Besoeker 2020-07-14