
City of Miami Mayor says he's considering a shutdown as ICUs reach 95% capacity and he blames young people for spreading coronavirus
[Daily Mail, where America gets its news]
  • About 95 percent of hospitals in the City of Miami have reached capacity, Mayor Francis Suarez said on Thursday

  • Suarez said hospitals will have some capacity for about four weeks if the COVID-19 growth rate stays the same

  • Suarez added that high point was 125 cases per day but now the city is down to approximately 60 cases per day

  • However the highest infection is rate is among people aged 18 to 34, a demographic that makes up 27% percent of the population

  • A survey showed 33.7 percent of people got COVID-19 from a family member

  • He's considering a shutdown but with talk with the business community first

Posted by: Skidmark 2020-07-17