
The day the world changed forever: 75 years ago the first atomic bomb was detonated at dawn during a top-secret US-led nuclear test in the New Mexico desert resulting in a blast so powerful, it could have been seen from Mars
[Daily Mail, where America gets its news]
  • 'Trinity' was the code name for the secret operation that tested the nuclear bomb in the New Mexico desert before it was dropped on Japan in 1945

  • J Robert Oppenheimer, the director of the Manhattan Project and physicist who designed the bomb was not confident the test would work

  • Engineers and scientists involved in the project waged bets on whether the blast would incinerate the entire planet or be a complete dud

  • Army devised contingency plans for the worse case scenario that involved death, damage to surrounding communities and evacuation of nearby residents

  • The detonation was four times larger than the expected maximum and was visible as far away as Amarillo, Texas, 280 miles away

  • Army lied to the public, issuing a fake cover story that the blast was the result of an accidental magazine explosion on base

  • Ash rained on the surrounding landscape for days afterward

  • Upon its staggering success Oppenheimer said: 'Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds;' the test director said: 'Now we are all sons of b***ches'

  • The atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki three weeks later, leading to Japan's unconditional surrender and the end of WWII

Posted by: Skidmark 2020-07-17