
12º Batalhão realiza Operação Onipresença em Balneário Camboriú, Brasil

[Camboriu] (Em Portuguese: Na noite desta quinta-feira (23), a partir das 18h, a Polícia Militar iniciou a Operacão Onipresenca em Balneário Camboriú, com acões que perdurarão durante o final de semana. A operacão foi deflagrada com a presenca do Sr. Coronel PM Jofrey Santos da Silva, Comandante da 3ª RPM, e do Comandante do 12º BPM, Sr. Tenente-Coronel PM Daniel Nunes da Silva.)...

On Thursday night (23), starting at 18h, the Military Police started Operation Omnipresence in Balneário Camboriú, with actions that will last during the weekend. The operation was launched with the presence of Mr. Colonel PM Jofrey Santos da Silva, Commander of the 3rd RPM, and the Commander of the 12th BPM, Mr. Lieutenant-Colonel PM Daniel Nunes da Silva.

Operation Omnipresence aims to fight crime through police barriers, as well as saturate critical areas of the municipality, and all regions of Balneário Camboriú will be served. The policing actions will be carried out with the garrison of Radiopatrulha, the Tactical Patrol Squad (PPT), the Kennel and ROCAM.

The 12th Military Police Battalion emphasizes the importance of these operations in order to combat crime, as well as to prevent crimes.
Articles from Brazil per TW's request. This is interesting to USA because as Trump sends in Federal law enforcement to local municipalities, Brazil has been doing this for years, heavily. They are everywhere in Brazil. Thank you TW for the suggestion.
How exciting! I hope the operation is successful. Does Brazil have a resident jihadi contingent like the neighbouring Spanish speaking countries, or have they managed to keep their criminals away from Hezbollah, the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, and so forth?

Posted by: Ebbomoger Speaking for Boskone4589 2020-07-27