
Democrat Liars Are Barely Even Trying to Fool Us Anymore
It's Kurt
[Townhall] You watch the freakish Rep. Jerry Nadler mouth off to AG William Barr about how those poor, hug-giving rioters of love in Portland are being cruelly provoked by that federal courthouse that racistly refuses to be burned down, and your mind generates several questions. The first is whether he somehow forgot that we’ve actually seen pictures of those enthusiastic Biden supporters destroying property and attacking cops. The next question is how someone as lumpy as The Nad ever managed to pull off his escape from Willie Wonka’s factory. Maybe he hid in a dumpster of garbage and it worked because no one noticed him nestled inside, perfectly camouflaged.

But truth is still a thing, despite the efforts of Rep. Class Act and that witch Nancy Pelosi, who called our cops "stormtroopers" with a straight face — though in fairness to her, after all that Botox she no longer has any other kind.

Truth exists, and we can see it thanks to alternative outlets and social media. And we still think lying is a bad thing, though our opponents disagree. To the left, truth is just a bourgeois conceit, something to be discarded as necessary in the struggle against horrible things like racism, sexism, transphobia, colonialization, and Democrats not being in power. It’s optional. And the left is opting out.
Pravda is not lies - it's the higher truth! :-)
...The kind of lies told by the Speaker of the House and the Oompa Loompa of the House are central to the success of the rioters. Remember that all this disorder is an information operation designed to make us normal people think that chaos is descending upon America and that Donald Trump will be unable to protect us when these barbarians issue from the cities like Sauron’s hordes from Mordor and march on our suburban and rural homes. The unspoken deal they offer is that if we only elect the gropey old weirdo who lives in a basement then all this trouble will magically stop and, as a bonus, the Bat Soup Flu will be cured. The Democrat denial of the lies right in front of us is a key component of their information operation strategy.
Posted by: g(r)omgoru 2020-07-30