
Why You Shouldn't Underestimate ANTIFA
[VictoryGirls] If you live in the American heartland, you might have watched the urban carnage over the last few months and shrugged your shoulders or shook your head. After all, ANTIFA running amok in the cities is most definitely a Democrat-created problem. They bore that child and fed him candy, and now they can deal with the fallout. There’s a reason why people choose to live in the heartland and not the city anyway. Not my circus, not my monkeys. There’s just one problem. ANTIFA, whether anyone knows or wants to admit it, is already in the heartland — even in areas thought of as bastions of freedom — and they’re organizing and training.

MYTH: ANTIFA is made up of effeminate "soy boys."
One of the most pervasive things going around about ANTIFA are that they are not even remotely a threat. They’re all so busy looking for their next vegan meal, putting beads in their sparse beards, or eating Pop-Tarts in their mom’s basement that they cannot possibly be a threat to real American manly men — or at least that’s how they’re portrayed. Stories like the one below serve to help that narrative, and it’s one that ANTIFA doesn’t mind going around. Being underestimated is an excellent force multiplier.

Posted by: 746 2020-08-02