
A Fake DNC Convention Ends With Real Nastiness
My favorite three paragraphs:
[FrontPage] The theme of the DNC convention that pretended to nominate Biden and the speech in which he pretended to accept is that Democrats are a unifying force and that their political opponents are the forces of darkness. That’s not an election speech. It’s an argument for a one party state.

The Democrats want to pretend that they’re responsible leaders because they keep saying that they’re good people who care about specific categories of oppressed people and global problems. But that’s a leftist fallacy. Talking about how much you care about problems doesn’t mean you have any aptitude for solving them by working together with everyone else.

The true message of the DNC convention, spoken and unspoken, is that it represents a cultural class that is entitled to absolute political power, because it is morally superior to everyone else. The facade of religion and of fake former Republicans was as real as the "democratic" process leading to a rigged nomination and a fake convention of videos recorded weeks if not months ago. Behind that facade is a small class of wealthy coastal donors pulling all the strings.
Posted by: Bobby 2020-08-22