
Campaign Aide: Joe Biden May Never Campaign in Person this Fall
Forget about live debates
[Breitbart] The Democrat nominee for president is living up to his "Basement Joe Biden" nickname as his campaign says he may never work for votes in person before the election.

CNN reporter MJ Lee cited a campaign aide, who said that Biden may never appear at a rally this fall.

"It is just entirely not clear that we are ever going to see either Joe Biden or Kamala Harris participate in a traditional campaign rally," she said.
this is worse than animatronic Ginsburg
As Lee spoke, the banner below her read, "Campaign aide: Not sure if Biden will hit campaign trail this fall."

CNN reported that the Biden campaign has "new confidence" that he can effectively reach voters by conducting live streams from his basement or back porch.

The news seems to buttress a report that Biden will not be leasing a campaign plane to conveniently shuttle him to appearances.

Citing Axios, Breitbart News reported this week that Biden has not traveled by air for some time "and thus has no need to lease an aircraft with the Democratic nominee's name and logo emblazoned on the side, a candidate tradition for decades, people familiar with the plans tell Axios."

"Biden aides say he hasn't completely ruled out flying between now and November ‐ and that the campaign could change course if individual states change their guidelines," Axios reported.
Posted by: Frank G 2020-08-23