
Bush sets May deadline for Syria pullout -- or else
President George W. Bush said in an interview published yesterday that Syria must pull all of its troops out of Lebanon by May or risk further isolating itself from the world.
"Y'all be outta town by sunset, or else."
"The subject that is most on my mind right now is getting Syria out of Lebanon, and I don't mean just the troops out of Lebanon, I mean all of them out of Lebanon, particularly the secret service out of Lebanon — the intelligence services," Bush said in the interview with the New York Post. Bush, who demanded earlier this week that Syria withdraw from the neighboring Arab country but did not specify a time frame, said the May deadline was necessary to allow Lebanon to have free elections. "This is non-negotiable. It is time to get out ... I think we've got a good chance to achieve that objective and to make sure that the May elections (in Lebanon) are fair. I don't think you can have fair elections with Syrian troops there," Bush said. Bush told the paper there was no threat of military action.
Right after he said it was non-negotiable. I think he's making it really, really clear to anyone who understands the man, which of course doesn't include the reporter of this piece. W is going to have some more words coming in the next couple months to 'plain what he said, but it's now clear -- Syria out by May or else.

Posted by: Steve White 2005-03-05