
Shooting in Kenosha Just the Beginning of Civil War in America, Says Prediction Expert
[PJ] Anyone could have seen this coming. The question that should be asked after an armed man shot two rioters on the streets of Kenosha is, what did you expect? Here’s the scenario: mobs of criminals are torching and looting the private businesses of Americans all over the country and local law enforcement won’t stop them. Not only will they not stop them but anyone who is arrested is released immediately to do it all over again the next night (see Portland). Did you expect that this could go on without more violence? How did you think it would end? Where was this going—social change to utopia? Cities are burning. New York City is now a place no retailer will go. How much more of this did you think people would take?

Here’s the bad news. Kyle Rittenhouse, whom we know nothing about, is only the beginning of what is to come. It’s going to get much worse, and people like me who are anti-war and want nothing but peace with my countrymen are about to become severely disappointed.

Any speculation on Rittenhouse’s motives is total stupidity in the fog of war when facts are indecipherable from lies. Don’t attempt it. Let us just look at the general climate in which this tragedy occurred. And I use the word "tragedy" somewhat reluctantly because all involved in this, especially the government officials who let it happen, deserve exactly what they got.

If you go out to protest in an environment where you know there is looting and mayhem, I don’t care what happens to you. Not even a little. Photographic evidence appears to point to self-defense. It’s too soon to tell but it appears from these photographs that at least one of the people who was shot was holding a gun.
Posted by: Besoeker 2020-08-29