
White House will cancel racial sensitivity training because it is 'anti-American propaganda': Trump calls classes on 'critical race theory' and 'white privilege' a 'sickness in our country' and demands they are purged
[Daily Mail, where America gets its news]
  • President Trump has demanded federal agencies identify training sessions on 'critical race theory' so that they can stop being subsidized by the taxpayer

  • The issue came via a memo released by the White House Office of Management and Budget on Friday

  • Critical race theory specialists argue that all people are inherently racist and that U.S. government institutions privilege white people

  • Trump has called such teachings 'a sickness that cannot be allowed to continue'

  • One lecturer, Howard Ross, who reportedly 'billed the feds more than $5 million for training since 2006'

  • He is described as a 'seminal thought leader on identifying and addressing unconscious bias'

  • Trump's demand comes following months of Black Lives Matter protests that have led to a racial reckoning in the United States

Posted by: Angeart Javiper6312 2020-09-05