
Sweden, Again - Not as Simple as You Thought
Many things are not as simple as reported.
[AIER] Going into the corona pandemic of 2020, Sweden already had an abundance of vulnerable elderly who would not have survived a harsher flu season – and whose Danish, Norwegian and Finnish counterparts did not survive the previous years' flu seasons in those countries.

Even if one disregards new research suggesting that lockdowns don't work (here, here and here), it is improbable that Sweden's light lockdown is one of the main possible reasons for Sweden's high COVID death rate. But we go on to list 15 other factors. The single-minded story that Sweden's high death rate, relative to the other Nordics, stems from its relatively liberal corona policy lacks nuance. There are many other differences between Sweden, Norway, Denmark, and Finland, including differences specific to the present. Compared to its neighbors, Sweden would have had a much worse death toll regardless of the policy measures it took in March 2020.
Lots of charts at the link, with some interesting arguments.
Posted by: Bobby 2020-09-05