
Victor Davis Hanson: Silence About the Violence
[NationalReview] Biden and his enablers can’t decide whether the mayhem helps or hurts his candidacy.

It is not just conservatives at the recent Republican National Convention who wonder why the Democratic Party and its media appendages have not without qualification decried the looting, arson, violence, and occasional killing that have swept the nation’s cities.

Recently even left-wing CNN’s incendiary Don Lemon wondered out loud why Joe Biden and the Democratic powers have not at least tried to square the circle of deploring police overreach while at the same time going through the motions of condemning the utter lawlessness that often breaks out at dusk in Chicago, Portland, and Seattle, and now in smaller cities such as Kenosha, Wis. What Lemon praised in June, he now seems terrified about in August. But for that matter, most retired generals and media anchors who assured us in June that there were only a "small" number of violent protesters have long grown silent after the occupation of Seattle and the Alamo siege of the police precinct in Portland.

This fight of voter backlash about crime has infected the entire Democratic elite — glued to volatile internal polls that do not lie — whether it is Nancy Pelosi’s demanding no debates, Michelle Obama’s obsessing with "Vote! Vote! And Vote!" or Hillary Clinton’s urging Biden to never "under any circumstances" concede the election that apparently she now believes he could well lose.

There are fewer than 70 days left to Election Day. Joe Biden was told that it was still wise to sit on his once-sizable lead.

In other words, until recently, he planned to run out the clock in hopes that the late-August Trump resurgence would be too incremental to catch Biden before Election Day.

Or put more crudely, Biden figured that the dangers of going out on the campaign trail and conducting a real campaign — town halls, whistle-stop speeches, unscripted press conferences, no-holds-barred, one-on-one media interviews — and risking another Biden senior moment (or worse) far outweighed any downside of deliberately waging a virtual campaign as a virtual candidate.

For the past three months of nightly violence, Biden has proven correct that it would be blamed on the sitting president. Yet any time Biden does impromptu or unscripted riffs, he says things that sound either incoherent or offensive — or racist. And any time he stays in his basement and keeps mum, he cedes the media cycle to Trump, whose job description is to deal with the worst year in American history since 1941—42, given the plague, lockdown, recession, street violence and revolution, and general Trump derangement syndrome.

So it is a question of whether riots like those in Kenosha will continue until November and finally reach a tipping point where millions of swing voters believe that the silence of Biden and his Democratic Party fuel the protests, and thus force them to make the necessary adjustments on Election Day.

Biden’s masters are now rethinking that very question: Can he stay mute? Will the riots subside? Are the polls to be trusted? Is it 1988 or 2016 redux? Can Trump still be blamed for the chaos? Will the military wing of the Democratic Party at least be more selective in its politicized violence?

Or is the problem more fundamental? Is Biden so compromised by the politics of his own nomination that he cannot fault Antifa, BLM, and by association the left-wing, local blue-state district attorneys general, city councils, mayors, and governors who appease and encourage the urban war zones? If he did so, would he bleed support from among his new socialist coalition with Bernie Sanders and the squad?

That is, Biden was resurrected from his primary coma by wealthy Democrats terrified of a Sanders nomination, the utter failure of the Bloomberg antidote, and the mysterious lockstep departure from the race of all his earlier Democratic-primary rivals.

The subtext is that to win, he needs the radical vote, the identity-politics vote, and the Sanders vote to make up for the deplorables, clingers, and irredeemables of the key swing states who are never again going to vote Democratic. Antifa/BLM and their sympathizers are now Biden’s new socialist base.

America is both being held hostage by thugs in the street and in reaction blackmailed by the Democratic Party. The street brigades and their various enablers know that they represent a key constituency in the new socialist Democratic Party. And so they will riot and burn until Election Day in the belief, as narcissists, that they are winning converts, but also in their surety that Biden will be elected by the sheer chaos they spawn on Trump’s watch.
Posted by: 746 2020-09-06