
Legal debate on establishing rule of law in Morocco
RABAT — The fourth session of the Discussion Boards, organised by the Justice and Reconciliation Authority, is discussing necessary reforms in the educational and cultural fields to establish the rule of law, informed sources said.
Rule of law? In an islamic state? Can't have none of that, now!
Discussion Boards are attended by prominent experts and professionals, and are transmitted through the Moroccan second TV channel. Discussions have highlighted serious human rights violations experienced in Morocco since independence and their impact on society and the composition of values.

Discussion Boards — along with public sessions of the victims of serious human rights violations — held every Tuesday, are aimed at involving public opinion in a frank and open way on the historical background that led to such violations, crystallising scientific projects and programmes that enhance the state of law and institutions, protect freedoms, and contribute to ending such violations.
After which the participants are rounded up and beaten.

Posted by: Steve White 2005-03-07