
Oil prices "unrealistically high" - Saudi adviser
Current crude oil prices are "unrealistically high" and do not reflect any physical shortages in world markets, Adel al-Jubeir, a foreign affairs adviser to Saudi Crown Prince Abdullah, said on Monday.

Al-Jubeir told a news briefing on Saudi security measures that "we don't see shortage in the physical supply of crude oil." He added that global markets are "fairly stretched out" due to shipping pressures to meet rising demand in China, India and the United States.

"We will make our oil available" to customers, said Al-Jubeir. Current prices are "unrealistically high," he added [again].

Soo... what he is up to? Trying to do some Chavez-control (Chavez $80 greedy eyes) so he does not screw the golden-egg goose for Soddies? What is your reading?
Posted by: Sobiesky 2005-03-07