
Shut Out Thrown - No One Shows Up For A Biden Rally in AZ
Now here's a guy whose appeal has become really selective!
[The Lid] - Lonely Joe: — Not A Single Person Showed Up to Biden/Harris Event In Arizona

It seems that most states have seen massive rallies with numbers in the thousands of people showing support for President Trump — even in deep blue states like California. The same can’t really be said in favor of Joe Biden, now known as lonely Joe.

On Sunday, the Biden/Harris campaign learned just how popular they really are in Arizona.

The local Fox News anchor covering the "event" said:
"I’m told by one of the Biden staffers, local staffers, that they kind of kept the details about the visit, as far as the timing and the exact location, they didn’t really want to give that out to the public, because they want to keep the crowds to a minimum. They realize we are in a pandemic and they don’t want a crowd of more than fifty people at any of their events.
Keeping crowds to a minimum - mission accomplished, fuckin' losers!
Posted by: Raj 2020-10-13