
Cop shot by Breonna Taylor's boyfriend during raid slams Louisville officials for letting public believe her death was like George Floyd's for months and says their silence was 'excruciating'
[Daily Mail, where America gets its news]
  • Sgt. Jonathan Mattingly is speaking out for the first time since Breonna Taylor's death on March 13 in Louisville, Kentucky

  • He was one of the three officers who opened fire when they entered her home in an attempted drug raid where she died after she was shot multiple times

  • 'This is not relatable to George Floyd...It’s not a race thing like people want to try to make it to be' he said an interview with ABC News and The Courier Journal

  • Mattingly said her death was a tragedy but denies it is an example of police brutality against black people

  • He said that police officials and Louisville Mayor Greg Fischer's office could have mitigated the outrage if they spoke out saying, 'It's been excruciating'

  • No officers have been charged in Taylor's death, sparking national outrage

Posted by: Skidmark 2020-10-21