
'It's an absolute joke:' Seattle officers leave scathing responses in exit interviews
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SEATTLE -- Seattle Police officers who are leaving the department have given scathing responses during their exit interviews.

KOMO News obtained the exit interviews, which blamed city leadership, to riots and low morale for leaving the department.
One retiring patrol sergeant who had been on the force for more than 20 years said, "I refuse to work for this socialist city council and their political agenda. This agenda sacrifices the health and well-being of the officers and ultimately will destroy the fabric of this once fine city."
And that, dear reader, is their goal.
When asked: "What factors had a negative effect on morale in the department?"
One officer whose job is up in the air said, "The council wanting to defund us and gaining ground doing it. Rioters not being charged even when they assault officers."
Another patrol officer from the East Precinct who was resigning after 6-10 years of service offered this explanation for leaving the department: "Current hostile work environment. In a precinct that is under civil unrest by a small group that is constantly committing multiple felonies and attempting to murder peace officers."
Attempting to murder police officers. Please read that again.
When followed up with the question: "What did you enjoy least about working at SPD?"
The officer said, "I enjoyed almost every aspect of working with Seattle PD itself. The one thing that I enjoyed the least was the handling of the last three months of riots."
OMG! The R word!

Jim Fuda, Crimestoppers Director of Law Enforcement Services which works with SPD, says the responses point to a hostile and non-supportive work environment for officers.
"It’s ridiculous," Fuda said. "Just when you think it can’t get more inane, it does."
In response to the question: "Would you like to work for SPD again in the future?"
Some said they’re open to the opportunity if thing change, "drastically."
One canine officer who’s resigning after more than 11 years said, "I highly doubt it. You could pay me twice what you’re paying me now and I would not work for Seattle under this current political mayhem, Marxist collaborations and lack of government and police leadership."
"It’s an absolute joke and a travesty for the rest of the citizens here in this city, this once beautiful city," said Fuda. "Our police department is there to protect all of us and because of the cutbacks and the retirements, who’s going to protect our public safety?"
Antifa of course! After they did so well in CHAD!
According to the exit interviews, the some of the SPD officers are leaving for departments like Everett, Des Moines, Kennewick and the Pierce County Sheriff's Department -- places they said the feel like they will get more support.

Posted by: CrazyFool 2020-10-24