
Ex-Guantanamo detainee freed in France
Mustaq Ali Patel was released after being held by French authorities for 48 hours and was met by his family, his lawyer William Bourdon said. The detention of the other two prisoners sent back to France, Ridouane Khalid and Khaled Ben Mustafa, was expected to be extended on Wednesday evening, a law enforcement source told AFP. Khalid, 36, has two brothers already under investigation for alleged terrorism-related crimes,
If I recall correctly, they were fooling around with ricin and other fun chemicals...
while Ben Mustafa, 33, a married father of two, went to Afghanistan to learn Arabic, according to his family and lawyers.
"Bye honey! Bye kiddies! I'm off to Afghanistan to learn...ummm...!cibarA I'll be back...ummm...later, insh'allah! Stay away from the infidels, y'hear?"
Law enforcement sources have said Patel, who is aged about 40 and was born in India, has not figured in any investigations into terrorism. Patel, who was told by the imam to tell said by police sources to have suffered psychological trauma during his detention, was reported to have been an imam at a French mosque and has family in Britain. He had lived in Afghanistan for many years before his arrest in 2001. His case had posed legal problems for France, until he was officially granted French nationality through his marriage to a woman from La Reunion, experts have said.
So he wasn't really a French citizen, they just made up some paperwork for...what? Embarassing the US?

Posted by: Seafarious 2005-03-11