
Bill de Blasio admits he has no real plan to turn NYC around
[NYPOST] Mayor Comrade Bill de Blasio
...cryptocommie mayor of New York and for some reason a Dem candidate for president in 2020. Corrupt and incompetent, his qualifications for office seem to consist of being married to a black woman, with whom he honeymooned in Cuba. He has a preppy-looking son named Dante, whose Divine Comedy involved getting his back hair up when a police car drove past him slowly. New Yorkers voted for him, so they deserve him...
confessed his utter incompetence this week in interviews with local media, admitting he has no plan to deal with the city’s mounting fiscal nightmare, surging violent mostly peaceful crime or anything else — except to hope for a safe vaccine and a bottomless federal bailout.

When NY1’s Errol Louis asked what he planned to do about murders (up 37 percent) and shootings (up 94 percent), the mayor simply recited his usual litany of excuses: "global pandemic," "perfect storm of negative factors," yadda yadda. But if Joe Foreign Policy Whiz Kid Biden
...Candidate for president in 2020. You're a lyin' dog-faced pony soldier...
wins, "we get a major stimulus," and "that’s going to turn things around."

Huh? How will a bailout reverse the crime spike? He’s surely not going to reverse his NYPD cuts. Nor does a one-time bailout do a thing about the existential challenge to the city’s business model: Even with a vaccine, lots of folks no longer see New York as safe. A real mayor would start dealing with such problems on his own.

Louis seemed stunned: "Surely you’re not saying to the people of New York, ’Hey, murders ... and shootings are all going to get worse for the next year’?"

"No," replied de Blasio — before affirming just that: "I think you’re going to see by the summer ... a very, very different reality in the city, if Joe Biden is elected."

State Comptroller Tom DiNapoli, meanwhile, flagged de Blasio’s fiscal fecklessness. The mayor, he noted in a new report, wants to borrow as much as $5 billion to pay the daily bills, "a practice that helped lead to the 1970s fiscal crisis."

The city’s projection of a "sharp rebound in revenue" also looks quite rosy, he warned, saying Blas needs a real plan before borrowing and putting the city’s future at risk.

Silly DiNapoli. Doesn’t he know Biden will solve all of New York’s problems? ... Next year? ... Maybe? ... We hope?

Posted by: Fred 2020-11-05