
Rod Blagojevich: Dems Stealing Elections a ‘Time-Honored Tradition'
[Breitbart] In the wake of President Donald Trump sounding the alarm on potential voter fraud in the 2020 presidential election, former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich (D) on Friday accused Democrats of stealing elections for a long time.

Blagojevich told Newsmax TV’s "John Bachman Now" that Democratic stronghold cities changing vote counts overnight, and controlling polling places is a "time-honored tradition." He went on to say that Democrats "stealing the presidency" is "incredibly dangerous to our democracy."

"If the question is are the Democrats stealing votes in Philadelphia, my answer is, ’Is the Pope Catholic?’ It’s a time-honored tradition," Blagojevich emphasized. "Big Democrat-controlled cities like Chicago, my hometown, Philadelphia, to do precisely what they’re doing now I’ve never seen such a magnitude because this I think is an indication of just how widespread it is, how deep it is. And I don’t think it’s just confined to Philadelphia. My instincts, again coming out of Chicago Democratic politics, my instincts tell me it’s going on in Atlanta, it’s going on in Detroit, it’s going on in Milwaukee, it’s going on in Las Vegas. It’s like what Justice Powell said about pornography: You can’t define it, but you know when you see it. And coming out of the Democratic Chicago political establishment, I know how they operate. They control polling places, they stop votes when their candidate’s behind, and then in the wee hours of the morning, in the dark of night, the stealing starts."

He continued, "And we’ve seen that in big numbers, unprecedented numbers in this election in Michigan and Philadelphia. It’s outrageous, and the fact that they’re doing it with impunity they’re doing it with is because the media is simply looking the other way because they have their corrupt mainstream media that’s not interested in protecting our Constitution or the rule of law. They just want to be Donald Trump at all costs, and they’re not just stealing from Donald Trump. It’s worse than that. They’re stealing from us — the American people."

Posted by: Ebbomoger Speaking for Boskone4589 2020-11-08