
D.C. Mayor: You Can Take The Boards Off Of Your Shops Now
[HOTAIR] Do you remember when police and municipal officials were advising all of the businesses in their cities to board up their shops in anticipation of all of the looting and violence that would break out if Donald Trump
...the Nailer of NAFTA...
won the election? Well, at least in the nation’s capital it appears that the crisis has passed. D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser has sent out a notice asking all of the businesses to begin taking down the plywood coverings nailed to their windows. Apparently, the declaration that Joe Foreign Policy Whiz Kid Biden
...Candidate for president in 2020. Old, boring, a plagiarist, fond of hair sniffing and grabbing the protruding parts of women, and not whatcha call brilliant...
will be the next president has solved all of our problems with social unrest and everyone can just go about their business as usual. (Well... except for the places that are shut down because of the pandemic, of course.) So I guess all is right with the world once again, right? Bear with me here, because I smell a rat and I think many of you will also. (Free Beacon)

Washington, D.C., officials are asking shopkeepers to remove plywood boards protecting their stores, claiming that "no credible threats of violence" exist despite left-wing groups’ planned post-election demonstrations.

Businesses and government agencies in the nation’s capital, dozens of which were damaged during anti-police protests this summer, boarded up windows and entryways in preparation for potentially violent mostly peaceful post-election protests.

On Saturday, the News Agency that Dare Not be Named declared Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden the election’s winner, leading D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser’s (D.) administration to make the request.

Posted by: Fred 2020-11-11